Monday, December 18, 2006

This Whole CNN Thing Is Silly

It is not breaking news that racism exists in Vidor, as it does in Lumberton, Bridge City, Beaumont, Port Arthur, all of Southeast Texas, the state, nation and world.
I've heard many people make racially insensitive remarks. I also get the sense that racism also cuts both ways in Southeast Texas.
It is wrong, and we need to continue working together toward resolution.
But this CNN-sponsored race discussion, slated for tomorrow night in Beaumont, is nothing more than a opportunistic pounce on an issue whose hot button is luke warm, at best.
There was no horrific catalyst. Other than a relatively recent Klan attempt at a march, Vidor has pretty much stayed out of the media's racism limelight for quite some time now. This isn't like the fifth anniversary of the James Byrd Jr. slaying, for which the media spotlight again shined on Jasper.
Considering that tragedy, it was warranted. But Vidor? Why not Cleveland just north of Houston, where a Klan leader lives?
In other words, it's old news and a misplaced spotlight, and CNN, fueled by a razor-thin news peg, has put itself squarely in the story's middle and is driving the issue forward.
CNN could go anywhere in the South and find the same story, trotting out the likes of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, an admitted philanderer and creator of his own racially insensitive comments.
This so-called "town-hall discussion," billed as some kind of high-minded exercise in mutual understanding and cultural sensitivity, seems little more than CNN's capitalization on the light controversy that erupted over the recent airing - or the curious non-airing as it turned out here, due to some technical mishap - of a program that included a segment on Vidor.
I could see the CNN folks sitting around, coming up with story ideas, thinking about racism and then going after the ol' low-hanging-fruit standby that is Vidor.
Someone inside the Southeast Texas television media told me today that people working for news personality Paula Zahn called the station to ensure that a crack makeup artist would be available for pre-show preparations.
I think that speaks volumes about the real purpose behind CNN's efforts.


Blogger ~Ivy said...

FINALLY!!! I read something I agree with. I love the way they keep calling this a town hall meeting. I love the way that its mostly people CNN picked going to be there.. How does that make it a town meeting when MOST of the people there wont be from the town? At this point I do not blame the mayor of Vidor for not going. I think its going to be more of a lets hang south east texas than anything and I think those from this area who attend the meeting will end up left with empty feelings. They will end up feeling like it wasnt what the went in for and that they attended a SE TEXAS Smack down to put it one way..

Is this the best story they could come up with? I mean this is SE Texas.. Racism is everywhere.. This isnt something new.. And you are right. Its certainly not new for Vidor and before now this wasnt anything worthy of national news..

I cant stop shaking my head at this one.. Are they that bored?

6:55 AM  
Blogger Brian Pearson said...

I was concern that I'd come off as some kind of redneck saying, "We don't need yer kind down har, telling us what to do."

I get the impression that few people - blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. - down here are really interested in this dog-and-pony show.

Kind of ironic that we're uniting over something that's intended to help races set aside their differences and come to a new level of understanding.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so tired of the media coming to Vidor and finding the most uneducated,unkempt and socialy retarted people they can find and ask them to give a statement which they know will be seen by america as a majority view. I was also very disapointed in the young woman who gave the interview and had them black her face out so she wouldnt be recognized...WHY. She stated that she was not racist which leaves people only to believe she would suffer some sort of repercussion for coming out publicly on the matter.Where do they find these people?? If you have somthing to say by all means say it but be big enough to own it. By the way I would rather be eating with and speaking to just about anyone as long as it was not the woman in Gary's Coffee Shop, you know the one I mean.
You know African Americans and and Vidorians actualy have alot in common in that we both have stigmas and unfair stereotypes associated with us that we will most likely never be able to shake.I guess the old saying is true..A few bad apples do spoil the bunch.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended the CNN spectacle. All in all I found it to be balanced. The issue tackled is a tough one, and one hour can barely introduce such a polarizing topic, much less attempt to solve anything. The guests from Vidor had this "why are you still picking on me?" tone that resonated throughout the meeting. Yes, they have made progress. However, they seemed to want to glaze over the past and say "But look at us now." I came to Beaumont from Fort Worth by way of Houston and I knew Vidor was not a place to stop. The reputation is that it is inhospitable to minorities. This is the same way I feel about any number of small towns just off I-10 between here and Florida.
The main point that I feel must be gotten out is that racism along with many other socio-economic issues we face in this country is that there is no quick fix. For true healing to occur, it will take 1-2 generations. Unfortunately, our culture is one of immediate gratification/results and no one wants to lay down a foundation that will not benefit them in the short term as opposed to making things better for their children and grandchildren.

I will also quickly say that I do commend the people from Vidor in attendance for standing up for their city, it realy could have been ugly and they had the courage to attend. The mayor, however, should have been the first one to defend his city.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Brian Pearson said...

The Vidor mayor needs to stop looking at the ground when he talks to the cameras.

< : - )

2:09 PM  

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