Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Whatever Happened To The Katrina Heineken Guy?

Humor often can be found amid the greatest of tragedies.
When it came to Hurricane Katrina, it was that photo of that guy, presumably a looter, up to his waste in nasty floodwater, with a big grin on his face as he toted a bus tray full of Heinekens. A beer stuffed in his back pocket took the humor right over the top.
Since then, that Associated Press photo has become quite the fodder for photoshop and other high-tech computer shenanigans, such as this: http://home.comcast.net/~edwardjr72/looter.gif
One site I saw today trumpeted him as an American hero, while some guy on another site claims to have tracked him down this summer in New Orleans, although it was hard to tell from the photos if it was really him. I'd post links, but some of the content is racist.
I wonder who that Heineken fan was, if he knows about the publicity and whatever happened to him. He could have made a fortune off this.
If he's not crazy or dangerous, maybe I'll buy him a Heineken some day. He seems like a fellow who likes a good time, and he has OK taste in beer.


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