Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Sweat List Is Bogus

We recently did a story about all the lists that Beaumont makes. Usually, the lists are not favorable, such as us being a bad place to raise kids, pollution, being a "judicial hellhole," etc.
However, of all the lists we should be on, it's tough to believe we're not here:
This lists the sweatiest U.S. cities. Houston and Baton Rouge are there. I figured we didn't make the cut because we're small and close to Houston, but Waco, which is the same size of Beaumont and as close to Dallas as we are to Houston, made the Top 25.
We're just as hot and maybe more humid than Houston, thanks to all the water bodies around here.
Phoenix is the No. 1 sweaty city. Sure, it gets up to 11 billion degrees there in the summer, but it has 0 percent humidity. San Francisco came in at No. 100, the least sweatiest city on the list.
Beaumont didn't make the list at all.
I guess that's OK, though. The tourism folks here have a challenging enough job as it is.


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