Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gallows Humor In The Face of Terrorism

Somewhere along the path of human evolution, we picked up the ability to find humor amid the rubble of profound tragedy.
Journalists often can be among the worst at this, because they typically see more horror, tragedy and turmoil than everyday people do. We see mangled bodies at accident scenes, charred corpses outside burning houses, war, disease, death, destruction, despair, etc.
Sick humor often helps us cope with life's bigger speed bumps.
I'm not advocating bringing a comedian into funerals, I suppose, but we shouldn't be ashamed at having a little gallows humor in us.
Take this little Sept. 11-related gem off the Internet (There is some naughty language in there, so beware):
Someone has found the lighter side of terrorism preparedness and done a fine job of lampooning it.
Perhaps the best-known gallows-humor lampoonists work at a funny newspaper called The Onion, which calls itself "America's Finest New Source."
The Onion - which can be found online at - is the most consistently funny thing on the planet, albeit with plenty of the aforementioned naughty language.
The Onion's wickedly funny writers are not afraid to attack anything, from Sept. 11 to the Challenger space shuttle explosion and Kennedy assassination. These guys are the masters of gallows humor.
During those times when we're up to our asses in alligators and forgetting the swamp-draining objective, maybe sitting back and having a little laugh is the best medicine, as long as it doesn't go too far, of course.


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