Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Coins Are In The Bank

Despite doubts to the contrary, my boys and I sat down over the past weekend and conquered the challenge of rolling up a big Polish pottery jar full of coins.
There were $70 worth of quarters, $40 worth of dimes, about $14 worth of nickels and $11 worth of pennies. There were a lot more nickels and a lot fewer quarters than I anticipated. However, there were $4 in sacajewias, these funny little gold dollar pieces. I have no idea how they got in the jar. I have no idea what people use them for.
Like any business venture, there were some losses, all which came at the hands of my two boys, who kept running off with some of the coins when I wasn't looking. That night I got an idea of where the loot went when I caught my 4-year-old, Curt, lugging around his little Fisher Price cash register as if it were an anvil. The thing was stuffed with pennies, nickels and dimes.
At least he stored them away for safe keeping instead of blowing it all at the track.
Yesterday, I took all the rolled coins down to the bank, toting them inside a shoebox. I always feel kind of funny about doing that, wary that the bankers might think I'm bringing in a bomb. Shoe boxes look out of place at a bank.
Nevertheless, the cheerful lady behind the counter gladly took my money.
This morning, I dug a few coins out of my wallet and tossed them in the Polish jar.
A new round of coin-collecting has begun.


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